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Compression Therapy

Compression therapy helps to reduce swelling and control lymphoedema in the long-term. Depending on the type of fluid present, compression may include bandages, sequential intermittent pneumatic compression pumps (SIPC) or compression garments may be prescribed.


Compression should be graduated, which means the highest degree of compression is at the wrist or ankle, with pressure gradually decreasing up the limb. This helps trapped fluid (lymph) flow back into lymph vessels and drain out of congested areas into areas that are functioning well. Compression also acts as an additional force for muscles to work against, pumping fluid away.


Pneumatic Compression Pumps (SIPC) 

SIPC’s have been used for decades in fitness circles and lymphoedema management. SIPC can be used by individuals without oedema or lymphoedema for post workout or athletic event to help decrease muscle soreness and support joint recovery and post travel to help reduce oedema in the ankles and feet. In oedema and  the early stages of lymphoedema, a SIPC  can be very effective at managing fluid. It is most effective used in conjunction with manual lymphatic drainage, and with compression garments.

SIPC’s are currently gold standard in managing Lipoedema.

Benefits of SIPC include a reduction in swelling, improved mobility, reduction in feelings of heaviness, more energy, improved joint mobility, improvements in pain and stiffness and even sometimes…better sleep quality.


Compression Bandaging

Bandaging is used in instances where it is necessary to reduce considerable swelling that is not responding  to other forms of treatment. There are  a few options available for bandaging that you can discuss with your therapist, and will depend upon your lifestyle, activities of daily living, assistance at home, price range and your availability for appointments. Bandaging can sometimes be necessary for an extended period of time, with the next stage of treatment moving you into a compression garment for maintenance.


Compression Garments 

There are a vast array of compression garments available to support  your lymphoedema management, ranging from  light compression, firmer compression and wraps.  Identifying the most suitable garment for you and purchasing correctly fitting garments is essential as they can be expensive and are necessary to maintaining your health. Two garments will be required, one for wearing while the other is in the wash. Compression Garments are commonly prescribed for:


  • Lymphoedema

  • Lipoedema

  • Oedema

  • Venous problems

  • Diabetes

  • Post surgery

  • Travel

  • Lengthy periods of immobility

  • Working on your feet all day


I can assist you with measuring and fitting garment and discuss the suitability of each with you. Once ordered, garments can take several weeks to arrive. They are available as off the shelf options or custom made. A typical appointment for ordering compression garments will include an assessment of your medical history, referral letter from your doctor (not necessary but preferred), measurement of your limb (essential for correct fitting), discussion and advise on the best garment for your condition, demonstrations and advise on putting on the garment and taking it off (donning and doffing) and education on the care of your garment. Where possible, book a morning appointment for garment measuring and fitting.



Compression Theraphy Prices

Please note that the allocated time for all therapies includes time for discussion of current issues, assessment and table time.


  • 60 minute appointment bandaging $90

  • 60 minute  Sequential Intermittent Pneumatic Pump $90

  • 60 minute Garment measuring/fitting $90


Depending on your private health fund and coverage you may be eligible to claim services under Extras.






2022 by Hands On Lymphatics. Proudly created by Inspire Associates & Co

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